
are U

still Curious?

Sustainable solutions everywhere
Inviting you to join in creating regeneration
and sustainability through community

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What are you doing to strengthen your being in ways that are supported by love and science with practical solutions and can bring you to your highest potential? How then will you use this potential to lead and participate in the next step toward a life that is lived with purpose and service? Live your best self! We are all here to love and support one another. All things are possible.


i'm Don


For what purpose has Mother Earth enabled me here at this time?
Regeneration with Sustainable consciousness is increasing and there are more resources for enabling it in ways that speak to cooperation, coordination, collaboration and reciprocity. It is an exciting time where physics is now providing the proof that we can move forward with solutions that are in resonance instead of continuing our history of disonance.
I have experienced many purposes in this life, many of them totally unconscious.
At this time I know that my purpose is to share solutions that are leading us towards regenerating where needed, and enabling a sustainable future that will support life! We cannot sustain the status quo. Sustainability through regeneration is required to bring us back to what was truly sustainable before humans intervened in erroneous ways.

I love regeneration and sustainablilty. Our Planet supports us with life in abundance. How do we maintain our responsibility to long-term survival of the eco-system? I would like to support a continuing evolution of being in balance with; whether it be our own personal issues, how we are treating each other, or how we treat our mother Earth and all of our fellow species.

Look at my Why page to see more on what I believe.

The second law of thermodynamics states that any part of a system that is isolated will naturally degrade into chaos. By isolating ourselves from the environment, and each other, we experience continuing breakdown of our personal relationships as well as the habitat that supports our very being. We come from nature at inception and birth; we return to it at death. Environmental nutrients support our growth throughout our lifetime.

Many times we look at symptoms and then look for a bandaid solution that masks the symptom. This is true in our relationships, medicine and other disciplines as well as environmental issues. We need to take the time to look at the whole and determine root cause so we can move to results that enable for the long term. In other words how do we look at cause and effect and determine our needed shift to reach a desired sustainable change that will last.

All problems are personal and all solutions are also. Nature provides the answers, it is our destiny to lean into earth, our source, to discover who we truly are! Choice makes a problem; choice makes a solution!

There are many working hard at providing solutions that are in sync. These solutions need to be put forth and supported so that they can be more widely used and enable recovery and long term balance. This site provides insights into solutions. You will only see contextual information here about the problems as they are so apparant and easily researchable elsewhere. Let us come together to enable solutions.

Investigate what is not working.
Determine the root cause.
Seek solutions to the problem.
Educate to bring change.
Take Action.


My Interests

"The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of earth." -- "The question is not what do I want the earth to be, but what does the earth want me to be?" ~ Thomas Berry

Gathering Together In Community To Affect Change


Since humans stepped out of our hunter gatherer domain into agriculture and city dwelling, we have been augmenting our life style through inventions that are primarily in dissonance. In other words, not in balance with nature. We started burning coal for heat, cooking, etc., and later oil and gas. This is just one example of where we enable disonance instead of resonance. Air, soil, water, all living things are affected by our pollution in the name of enhancing our comforts and is now largely driven by profit motivation rather than safety.

RSThere is a growing number of areas where the latest physics supports bringing our lifestyles back into resonance and enabling a better outcome. Nassim Haramein of Resonance Science is now educating on the new physics that enables many areas return to resonance.
Resonance Science
Resonance Science Foundation has started a new endeavor to bring the technologies from their research into existence. They have started a new organizaiton called International Space Federation to develop and bring the technologies to humanity from the research done at Resonance Science Foundation. To find out more information visit the website at
International Space Federation

RSA company that is following these ideas and developing a number of products that enable our higher purpose is Resonant Technologies Group.

Impacting Humanity - Resonant Technologies Group

CCBeth McDougall M.D. is bringing new and exciting energy solutions to treating patients with difficult health issues. She is continually looking for ways to bring about revolutionary healing through energy and resonant methods.
Beth McDougall M.D.
Dr. McDougall's clinic is:
Clear Center of health
Dr. McDourgall's latest addition to her treatment environment is Jyzen, a membership facility which provides services in Integrative Medicne, Regenerative Health Services, Adaptive Performance Training, NeuroFit®. Integrative Bodywork Center, IV Lounge & laboratoty, BioResonance, and Biometrics Lab. It is located in Mill Valley, CA

DADonate Attention® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on leveraging the power of our collective attention to spread love by creating, distributing, and promoting public service campaigns.
Donate Attention

High Interest Resources

There are a number of resources that do not fit within the subjects I have chosen to discuss individually, or are of high enough interest to list in this separate section.
Recently David Attenborough released a new film (A Life On Our Planet) about his life and what he has seen happen since he started his work. It is a chronical of the devastaion he has seen, with a call to action that shows we have time to fix much of this if we act quickly. It is currently available on Netflix and well worth watching.
A Life On Our Planet
Stepping back and viewing life on planet earth from a systems view provides a clear case for why we must reemerge ourselves in working with nature rather than extracting from it. Each extraction needs a plan to reuse, recycle, with support for life. The book by Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi "The Systems View of Life - A Unifying Vision" provides an in depth case for our participation in that which we come from and will go back to. This book is also available on iBooks.
The Systems View of Life
Resurgence is a website that has a multitude of subjects discussed around sustainable alternatives. It provides positive, informed and original perspectives on environmental issues activism, social justice, arts and ethical living.
Schumacher College is a school in england that supports education at all levels around innovative learning for Ecological and Social Change.
Schumacher College
Braiding Sweetgrass is a delightful book by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It brings Indigenous Wisdom to us with entertaining stories of how we can better respect and care for our planet.
Braiding Sweetgrass
Charisse Sydoriak has over 35 years of experience managing fires and cultural resources in national parks and on public lands. She has developed a Wildfire Risk Assessment process that inspects homes on an individual basis and makes recommendations that will make the property more fire resistant.
Visit her site Living with Fire to see information on major fires etc.

Soil Restoration

soilFrom a sustainability and nutrition perspective I believe that the area we can get the most bank for the buck is through soil regeneration.
The United States experienced the dust Bowl 1920's due to among other things over tilling, lack of crop rotation and composting for regenerating soil. Petroleum products were introduced after WWII. Nitrogen and phosphates to green crops in 50's, but with loss of nutrients. As I was growing up in the 1950's in an agricultural area I observed the start of large corporations taking over family farms and introducing herbacides and various other sprays to the crops to control insects as well. By the late 60's we were having conversations about how the cancer rates were so much higher than what we experienced in our youth. As I have continued to observe the evolution of GMO plants and herbacides, I continue to see the reduction in the overall health of the population, along with the associated higher healthcare costs. I believe there is a direct coorelation between the use of GMO plants along with the herbacides / pesticides and the health issues we are experiencing. Research has shown that the GMO, herbacide model is not working as the crop yields are dropping each year. There are farmers that are now changing that paradigm back towards healthy soil and organic methods that produce much higher crop yield.

Another reason we need to restore our soil is that it is the key to Environmental Health. Soil that is restored to its natural state is the most effective carbon sequestration. There is no way to draw carbon out of the atmoshphere that is more practical than the regeneration of soil and the move towards regenerative agriculture.

Resources for Soil Regeneration:

The Biggest Little Farm The following movie is about Apricot Lane Farms: a traditional foods farm started by John and Molly Chester, a husband and wife team, who left their jobs in Los Angeles to become farmers and pursue their dream vision of starting Apricot Lane Farms in 2011. Located 40 miles north of Los Angeles, the farm is dedicated to the mission of creating a well-balanced eco-system and rich soils that produce nutrient-dense foods while treating the environment and the animals with respect. Apricot Lane farm residents include pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, guinea hens, horses, highland cattle, and one brown swiss dairy cow named “Maggie.” Many of which, you will meet in the BIGGEST LITTLE FARM. The land consists of Biodynamic Certified avocado and lemon orchards, a vegetable garden, pastures, and over 75 varieties of stone fruit. (Above explanation lifted from The Biggest Little Farm website)
I am so excited by this clear example of the ability to turn our entire food production system to healthy sustainbable nutrient dense foods within seven years. (Highly recommend this movie / documentary with great cinematography).
The Biggest Little Farm Movie

Soil Regeneration Explanation at Wikipedia a particular form of ecological regeneration.
Wikipedia Soil Regeneration

Dr. Zach Bush is passionate about regenerating our soil to bring back health to produce nutrient dense foods without the need for genetically modified organisms and no herbacides or pesticides.
Dr. Zach Bush

Farmers Foot Print

The Need To Grow is a new documentary on technologies and projects that are educating on the need for sustainable soil that is healthy to produce high nutrition food. Search for this film as it is currently does not seem to have a website that is static.

is a unique, no till, ecologically beneficial, high intensive vegetable farm in Sonoma County California. This farm has more than quadrupled the organic material in their soil (which means more nutrient dense food) - all while producing over six times the state average of harvest revenue per acre per year. They have brought back tremendous populations of pollinators, beneficial insects, and vertabrates (natural pest control). They use less water to produce their to produce their vegetables because of the supercharged soil organic matter. They use no sprays of any kind, not even organic sprays. They have year around employees with job security.
In a presentation I watched by one of the owners; they claim to have revenue of $145,000 per acre.
Note: The above was paraphrased from Singing Frogs Farm Website.
Singing Frogs Farm

Oak Mountain Farm is a farm in Lake Creek Oregon that is committed to working with the land to enable the best from it to support the best in humans. See how they are continuously working on that at:
Oak Mountain Farm

Polyface Farms has been in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia since 1961. Today they are known for their premier non-industrial food production and claim to be your Clean Meat Connection. The Salatin family enables ecological balance with high quality results.
Polyface Farms

Vesper Meadows is a Southern Oregon restoration program that is educating on what it takes to return an enviroment to its original purpose. Community engagement in science, restoration, wild food cultivation, and nature-inspired art.
Vesper Meadow

Regeneration International is a website with many resources that show how farming techniques can help in reversing climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring biodiversity.
Regeneration International

Understanding Ag is a consulting company that provides education and support for farmers so that they may family farmer future with a balanced ecosystem.
Understanding Ag

Kiss the Ground is and organization with much the same purpose as my wesite (sustainability and regeneration). They are starting with soil. They have produced a film that shows solutions that enable soil regeneration for healthy crops and animals. This regenerated soil captures carbon from the air and has the potential to reverse all climate change. I highly recommend watching:
Kiss The Ground Movie
Kiss The Ground Website

Parker Pastures is Colorado based farm raising grass fed beef and lamb with regenerative techniques.
Parker Pastures
Article at NANP Regenerative Ranching Article

Green Bronx Machine is educating and training students in building an agriculture system that is supportive of the health and well being of the local communities in which they live and serve.
Green Bronx Machine

NW Raw Organic Juice Bar in Bend Oregon is a great example of providing clean results from the above efforts to clean our soil and provide nutrient dense foods. It is and energetic outpost in todays culture where fast food is king. It is a delight to experience juices, salads, bowls, cleanse programs, espresso and more. Check out their website here to see what is possible:
NW Raw

Heirloom Seeds

Baker Creek carries one of the largest selection of seeds from the 19th century.
Baker Creek Seeds
As stated on their web site, Seed Savers Exchange aims to conserve and promote America’s culturally diverse but endangered garden and food crop heritage for future generations by collecting, growing, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants.
Seed Savers Exchange


Restore Water


Humans have polluted most of the water on the planet. It is time for us to take this matter seriously and provide the restoration processes that have been tested with success. Additionally, we need to cease the use of toxic elements that pollute our source of life.

Resources for Clean Water:

SeaHugger: The ocean is vitally Important to the health of our planet and protecting it should be our highest priority.
FOUNDER Shell Cleave: After witnessing first hand the devastation of human impact on the Great Barrier Reef, the coasts of Asia and Mexico, and increased plastic on the beaches at home in California, Shell Cleave decided she could no longer idly stand by and watch her beloved Mama Ocean being used as a dumping ground. She closed down her Technical Writing Business of 25 years and founded Sea Hugger in 2017 with the help and support of her family. (Above explanation lifted from seahugger website).
Sea Hugger

Upterra water Revitalizing water for agriculture, people, and the planet. Using biomimicry and innovative irrigation technologies, UpTerra brings water to its optimum state — fully aligned and bioavailable — so that all organic life can benefit.
Upterra Water

ECOsmarte water: Want clean chemical free, salt free water for your home and pool? Check out this system which removes all chemicals and delivers drinkable water throughout your property.
ECOsmarte Water

Clean Water Action: To protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems. (Above explanation lifted from clean water action website).
On their website you can check clean water projects and progress at the national level as well as the state level.
Clean Water Action

The Water Project: Every day in rural communities throughout sub-Saharan Africa, millions of people suffer from a lack of access to clean, safe water. For school-aged children it's a burden that traps them in poverty. (The above was lifted from the water project website).
The Water Project

Save the San Francisco Bay - Delta estuary for our children and future generations.
Save The California Delta


Restore Climate -- Involvement Around The World (Collaboration is Essential)


We don't have to agree on every subject. We need to look for areas where we agree and work together to build bridges. Then as we educate each other, search for and implement solutions that serve the greater good. Be respectful!

It is exciting that there are a number of organizations now picking up the baton to promote a sustainable future. While a number of these organizations are using methods posing enemies to draw attention to their cause there is still a process of raising awareness that adds value. I would prefer that organizations promote inclusive discussions with the associations they are opposing as the first step to provide collaborative activism. Rather than being against anything I would like everyone to ask the question: "Is what I am about to do providing or promoting a sustainable solution for myself, my loved ones and everyone else on the planet?"

Resources for Climate Change:

UN Global Compact a United Nations organization with a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.
United Nations Sustainablility Education

The Global Interdependence Coalition is a gathering of leaders, world-shapers, and innovators from all parts of the world and walks of life. We believe that humanity and all life on Earth are fundamentally interdependent.
One Shared World

Aclima a data driven platform built on years of R&D combining breakthrough mobile and stationary sensing technology, climate science and machine learning to provide next-generation diagnostics of critical air pollutants — from CO2 and methane to particulate matter.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The IPCC was created to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments on climate change, its implication and potential future risks, as well as to put forward adaptation and mitigation options.

How to Talk To a Climate Skeptic A series of responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming.
grist Climate Skeptic

American Forest Foundation works on-the-ground with family forest owners, partners and elected officials to promote stewardship and protect our nation's forest heritage.
American Forest Foundation

Fridays For Future an organization founded by Greta Thunberg to stop global warming.
Fridays For Future

Extinction Rebellion is raising awareness of our need to address the climate breadown.
Extinction Rebellion

On Fire Naomi Kleins new book is raising awareness of our need to address the climate breadown.
On Fire*

The Green New Deal by Jeremy Rifkin - Why the Fossil Fuel Civilization Will Collapse by 2028, and the Bold Economic Plan to Save Life on Earth
Green New Deal Book*

Sunrise Movement is raising awareness to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. This organization is behind the political "Green New Deal".
Sunrise Movement

It is time for IMMEDIATE and POWERFUL action NOW on climate change at the level of response we had to World War II in the U.S. We can lead the way. We are capable of great things and the United States has proven that in the past. Now is the time. Lets do it.


Everything Is Energy


Quantum Physics shows that everything is energy. We are one. There is a baseline of energy that works throughout the Universe and connects everything.

Resources for Energy:

Mind To Matter book:
Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality*

The Reality We Create book:
The Reality We Create: The Influence of Beliefs and Consciousness on Our Health and Longevity*

Effortless Mind book:
Effortless Mind: Meditate with Ease - Calm Your Mind, Connect with Your Heart, and Revitalize Your Life*

The Way of Vastu book:
The Way of Vastu: Creating Prosperity Through the Power of the Vedas : Achieve Success Through Indian Feng Shui*

Alters of Power and Grace book:
Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life You Desire--Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment and Prosperity with Personal Altars Based on Vastu Shastra*

Celebrate Your Divinity book:
Celebrate Your Divinity: The Nature of God and the Theory of Everything*

The Greatest Achievement book:
The Greatest Achievement: Miracle after Miracle the Easy Way*

Institute Of Noetic Sciences Bridging scientific exploration and experiential discovery to better understand a timeless truth — that humanity is deeply interconnected.
Institute Of Noetic Sciences


Healthy Aging

We are in an exciting time! The expected life span has continued to rise for most of the last one hundred years. Today we face the challenges presented by toxins and processed foods which are reducing our ability to sustain an active healthy life in these added years. We are on the verge of being able to regenerate in natural ways vital organs in the body and using stem cells to enable the body to heal itself in many cases. An active nutrient dense lifestyle free of toxins, along with multigenerational interactions is what has been shown to enable vitality into advanced age. Blue zones have clean healthy diets, along with meals shared with multi ages from young to old.

Resources for Healthy Aging:

Hugs - the most healing modality!
In 2011 I learned the healing power of hugs. After a bicycle accident that left me with 14 broken bones and a mild concussion, I spent 5 days in a trauma unit, and 2 weeks in a rehab facility. Several weeks later I had surgery to have a plate put on top of my left collar bone. During recovery as I encountered others in the community I would get many hugs each day. I became convinced that these were indeed healing. My accident was on April 11, and during the second week of September I was able to do the Five Lakes Hike at Alpine Meadows in the Sierras. A five mile roundtrip hike with 1000 ft elevation gain.
8 Reasons Why We Need at Least 8 Hugs a Day

are areas around the world that were investigated by Dan Buettner originally in conjunction with National Geographic where people have a longer life span. Many areas have multiple centurians with a high degree of mobility and are healthy. Dan is experimenting with creating additional Blue Zones in the United States.
To investigate this further visit:
Blue Zones

Eat Well, Sleep Well, Move Well, Stress Well
"Aging is natural, getting old is a result of the choices we make. ~ Kerry McClure"

Kerry McClure Practical Wellness
Kerry's Book "Beyond Meditation"*
Kerry's Gratitude Journal*
Interviews where Kerry expresses some of her practical ideas

Twelve Principles Attitudinal Healing International Attitudinal Healing is a cross-cultural method of healing that helps remove self-imposed blocks such as judgment, blame, shame and self-condemnation that are in the way of experiencing lasting love, peace, and happiness. It is based on the belief that it is not people or experiences outside of ourselves that cause us to be upset. Rather, it is our thoughts, attitudes, and judgments about them that cause us distress.
Attitudinal Healing

Mederi Center Mission: Pioneering a whole-systems approach to health and healing. They provide education, research, patient care, as well as foster longevity with a quality of life for their clients facing chronic diseases. Donnie Yance has repeatedly gone in-depth to understand and provide health solutions. Donnie's book is published in multiple languages.
Mederi Foundation
Book: "Adaptogens In Medical Herbalism"*

NW Raw Organic Juice Bar in Bend is a great example of providing clean results and provide nutrient dense foods. It is and energetic outpost in todays culture where fast food is king. It is a delight to experience juices, salads, bowls, cleanse programs, espresso and more. Check out their website here to see what is possible:
NW Raw

Cancer Vitamin C Adjunct IV Protocol - Riordan Clinic
IVC Protocol Article


Green Building

The EPA delineates Green Building as: Green, or sustainable, building is the practice of creating and using healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition.
Resources for Green Building
USGBC created the LEED 20 years ago to measure and define green building and to provide a roadmap for developing sustainable buildings.
USGBC is committed to transforming buildings, because they believe that every person deserves a better more sustainable life.


World Green Building Council

Green Building Councils are in 70 countries.

Nano Shield Technology -- Fires are a major problem globally. Extreme temperatures are exacerbating conditions everywhere.
Nano Shield has developed an enviromentally friendly, long lasting, technology that fire proofs and insulates in the same technology.

Nano Shield Technology

The Off Grid Guy Michael Moss has retrofitted a house in the heart of Sydney AU that demonstrates the potential for minimizing resource usage, even in the middle of a large metropolitan area. Off grid solar with batteries, rain capture, treated waste, etc.

Sustainable house Sydney AU


Love and Compassion

When thinking about Sustainability I often consider things like climate, renewable energy, water, and conditions that are mostly physical. When I began to move through this exercise of providing resources for understanding and sustaining that which we all hold dear, I realized upon reflection, that this needs to go beyond the traditional and consider those things that can assist us in bridging the gaps we are experiencing in todays world. Divisions need to be crossed. The best way I can think of at this point is to consider how we can sustain Love and Compassion. Some projects that I believe are assisting in those efforts follow.

Resources for Love and Compassion:

Heart Math is an experience science-based technology that enables individuals to measure their heart coherence for taking charge of our lives. It is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety by increasing inner balance and self-security. Learn to access your heat's intuition and become the best version of yourself more often.
Heart Math Institute

revolveRevolutionary Love is building the movement to ground our lives and politics in Love! They produce stories, tools, curricula, conferences, films, and mass mobilizations rooted in the ethic of love. Because love is not just a feeling but a form of sweet labor — fierce, bloody, imperfect, and life-giving. In this era of enormous rage, Revolutionary Love is the call of our times. Valarie Kaur and her team are doing amazing things!
I am so excited by the potential of resolving issues through love and compassion and how Revolutionary Love Project is moving us closer to that with practical suggestions for resolution.
The Revolutionary Love Project
Valarie Kaur Ted Talk
Valarie's Book "See No Stranger"

🌏 💫 🌟 Summer Mayne is a writer, yoga teacher, philosopher, and seeker of truth in higher consciousness with integrity based intent.
She writes with insights that touch others souls and enables new views of our potential and desired outcomes for peace and balance in the world. I consider Summer a being of light with messages of hope in these challenging times. I am honored to call her a friend.
Summer's Writing

Compassion Education The Compassion projects mission: To ensure that every primary school student in the US understands what compassion is and how to practice it in their lives. A national initiative to provide compassion education to elementary school students across the US.
The Compassion Project

Compassion international has been making a difference in the lives of children growing up in some of the most impoverished places on earth for over 60 years. Every child who'd have the opportunity to achieve their highest potential.
Compassion International

On Being Explores the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, community, poetry, and the arts. Through content, experiences and practical tools, The On Being Project tends the human change that makes social transformation possible.

The On Being Project

Tara Brach's teachings blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a full, compassionate engagement with our world. The result is a distinctive voice in Western Buddhism, one that offers a wise and caring approach to freeing ourselves and society from suffering.
Her new book Radical Compassion offers a lifeline for difficult times with the RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) meditation. Tara's book can be found here:
Radical Compassion Book

Marianne Williamson entered the 2020 and 2024 presidential campaigns with a platform of "The Politics of Love". Her campaign had to be quiesced due to financial reasons. Her depth of understanding of the issues along with proposed solutions from the heart provides yet another perspective on how we can move our society towards more compassionate interaction. Her book can be found here:
A Politics of Love*
To get an update on the issues you can visit her website at
The Issues



Factfulness is a book about the world and how it really is. It points out that most people do not know the what the true state of the world is.
Resources for Factfulness
The facts of income and its relationship to health point out where we all have gaps in our current thinking. Gapminder presents tools for educating us.
While I am hopeful based on what is presented here, I believe we must be diligent in not enabling hope where more work is still required.

The book Factfulness can be purchased here:


EV Revolution

Some Auto Makers, Some Boat Makers, Some Airplanes, etc.
Mercedes Electric
Ford Electric Offerings
Why Go Plugin - Plugin America
Electrek Newsletter - All Things EV

Correct Craft produced an electric Ski Nautique in 2011 and tested it in tournament conditions.
Electric Ski Nautique

e-Genius a test electric airplane built by engineers at the University of Stuttgart.


Renewable Energy

Clean alternatives that can replace fossil fuels and lower carbon emmisions. AGallup poll in March of 2019 shows that most of the U.S. population supports reducing fossil fuel use.

Resources for Renewable Energy:

Rocky Mountain Institute and Amory B. Lovins book "Reinventing Fire" shows a way forward that provides a clean sustainable environment by 2050 while saving trillions.
Rocky Mountain Institute
Reinventing Fire*
Internet technology and renewable energy are merging. Jeremy Rifkin explains how the five-pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution will create thousands of businesses, millions of jobs, and usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral power, that will impact the way we conduct commerce, govern society, educate our children, and engage in civic life. (Lifted from the expanation of the book.)
The Third Industrial Revolution

In 2007 global energy usage was (all forms) 16.1 TW, with global electricity being 1.8 TW. It is possible to generate all of our energy needs from clean renewable sources. Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson has done research and mapped out how we might use renewables exclusively.
Renewable by 2050

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), focuses on creative answers to today's energy challenges. From breakthroughs in fundamental science to new clean technologies to integrated energy systems that power our lives, NREL researchers are transforming the way the nation and the world use energy.



We only need to look out the window at nature to see that diversity produces the strongest solutions. This seems true at the universe level as well as the micro level. Yet as humans we separate ourselves and diminish the strength of diversity. At this time we need to embrace diversity in all forms to enable our ability to collaborate.
In my experience one of the best examples of this realization is:

Imagine – John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Michelle Obama's book Becoming is an excellent read. Her intelligence, candor, wit, and exellent ability to tell a story while educating is a great example of diversity that supports our higher purpose. Plus it is a fun read!
Becoming - Michelle Obama*

The political divide has disabled our ability to seek solutions that are beneficial for everyone. Us vs. them does nothing to move us forward. One of the organizations trying to overcome that is Building Bridgers. Marla Estes a psychologist is trying to address the political divide by starting conversations where each side has a chance to voice their views and hopefully there is a mutual understanding that enables each side to provide a better solution for all concerned.
Find out more at her site.
Building Bridgers



None of the above subjects will ever come to complete fruition unless we somehow bring a state of amity to all reaches of the planet.
"We Are One"
It is time for a new way of thinking!

In the last 100 years or so the human species has developed methods of destruction that threatens our very survival. Chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons all have the potential to end life on this planet.
We must all work together to bring a new response to each potential confrontation. When something controversial happens we often get defensive and experience the desire to lash out in reaction. In each of these instances there lies an opportunity to decide in favor of what is best for all.
In other words:
“Mindfulness is a pause. It’s the space between reaction and response. That is where choice lives.”
~ Kerry McClure

How are you choosing to pause and respond?

Resources for Peace:

Lets start with the need to keep our home (Planet Earth) safe.
The Deep Time Walk app provides a listening experience and ‘walk within’ the latest scientific evidence for Earth history and its self-sustaining nature, you experience the living quality of our Earth and begin to recognize the long geological processes and self-regulating patterns that have produced the conditions for the evolution of life.
Deep Time Walk Check out the apps for both Apple and Android.

KAREN HARWELL: Never Been Here Before is an inspiring and wonderfully illustrated film by Nancy Margulies where Karen is speaking of her concerns regarding the challenges to the eco system, and she shares her experiences regarding the need to move beyond war. She is continually asking the questions from the heart that help us see the hope for finding ways that enable solutions.
Never Been Here Before

The Beyond War organization is a continuation of work started in the 1980's to educate on the need for humankind to adopt "A New Way of Thinking" due to weapons where the destructive potential is total annihilation.
Beyond War Northwest
"Breakthrough: Emerging New Thinking" is a book published by Beyond War in the late 80's
Breakthrough Book at Amazon
A PDF version of this out of print book can also be found here.
Additionally Portland State University has a class at where students learn the principles and assist in reviewing materials that fit the Beyond War philosophy.
BW Class Portland State University
The Compassionate Listening Project is A non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals and communities to transform conflict and strengthen cultures of peace.
Compassionate Listening Project

Radical Compassion offers tools and practices of Nonviolent Communication to help you more fully integrate compassion and joy into your life and to support a world where everyone has access to resources to meet their needs.
Radical Compassion

The M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is dedicated to teaching nonviolence as a way to create a sustainable and just world for all.
Institute For Nonviolence

Talking Across The Divide Book provides tools for having discussions with others where there might be disagreement.
Talking Across the Divide*

International Cities of Peace> There are nearly 400 cities across the globe that are committed to examining opportunities for peace in their own communities as well as working with others to bring about a culture of peace on a grander scale. Find out more about these cities and their evolution to a commitment for peace.
International Cities of Peace

Pysicians for Social Responsibility - PSR mobilizes physicians and health professionals to advocate for climate solutions and a nuclear-weapons-free world. PSR’s health advocates contribute a health voice to energy, environmental health, and nuclear weapons policy at the local, federal and international levels. Resources for Nuclear information can be found here:
PSR Nuclear Resources



Education is a key component of any forward plan as it is necessary to pass lessons learned to the next generation.
"Life Essentials".

The downside's of not acting on the subjects presented here are enormous and potentially life threatening. Education is key. How do we expand our education process to teach vital information? How do we collaborate across generational divides to assure continuity on essential solutions?

Resources for Education:

A creative way of assuring that education is available to the masses without high expenses.
Khan Academy

A high variety of courses at relatively low cost.
Udemy Online Courses

For anyone looking to upgrade their reasoning abilities. Higher cost.
The Foundation for Critical Thinking

Schumaker College is a school in england that supports education at all levels around innovative learning for Ecological and Social Change.
Schumacher College


Zero Waste

One of the key principles for long term survival is for humanity to realize that each of us comes from the environment which surrounds us and we shall return to it. This leads us to the realization that if we support the environment, it will support us. Each new product that we develop needs to be designed with this in mind. Whatever resources we consume must in some way be recycled after use. One products waste becomes another product that eventually cycles to a return to a natural state that supports all life.

Resources for Zero Waste:

Zero Emissions Research Initiatives ZERI strives to eliminate the very idea of waste. The website is at, but it is not secure.
Iceland is now producing 100% of their energy from renewable resources. They are aware that the more they enable zero waste the more likely it enables long term survival. Netflix has a series "Down to Earth with Zac Efron" which has an episode on Iceland that highlights a number of efforts at zero waste in the country.

Another resource from the Down To Earth series, season 2, is a home in Melbourne Australia created by Joost Bakker, an environmental activist, that demonstrates a self sustaining, zero waste, productive house and shows the potential of our homes to provide shelter, produce food and generate energy.
Future Food System - Zero Waste


An economy based on just dollars as a measurement of growth is one of the reasons we are having the ecological challenges we are facing. A new way of thinking is required where we encapsulate all aspects of any activity to ensure that its outcome has a aspect of potential for balance.

Resources for Economy:

Hazel Henderson is a futurist and evolutionary economist that provides an integrated view of economic measurment and considerations for balancing the potential ecological harm (if any).
More information regarding Hazel can be found at
Hazel Henderson

Live Your Highest Self
Be Kind To Yourself
Be Kind To All Beings
Seek Happiness In Everything
Be Curious
Remember: You Decide


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Lets talk about sustainable solutions.

I am most interested in those topics that enable regeneration projects and building a sustainable future for the planet and all living on it.

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