This is a project to provide information on resources for sustainable solutions that will enable the survival of humankind on this planet. With todays continuous challenges we need to be able to provide information regarding hopeful projects that will produce longterm solutions.

I have been interested in the health of the planet and our environment since being introduced to recycling programs in the 1970's.

Everything in nature is there for a reason. There is no waste. The output of something feeds another; be it plant or animal.

Typically when someone speaks of "sustainability" they are referring to the environment and getting the climate back on track. I think we need to go beyond that to consider every interaction we have from a sustainabiltiy perspective. If we are to overcome the great divide that is being imposed today, our personal relationships with each other need to be viewed from an enabling desire, with love, to provide solutions rather than conflicts.

It makes sense to enable a healthy environment not only for ourselves and our loved ones, but for everyone on the planet as it provides a calmness that enables more peaceful results.


  1. In every situation with others and nature: "To Infinity and Beyond - Choose Kindness"
  2. Source Force Energy (Love) runs through everything, resting in none, with the intention of loving and enabling each to its highest potential. The only thing blocking me from Love is forgiveness of self or others.
  3. Diversity provides the strongest potential for success in every environment and situation. Obvious in nature. Not so much in society. Diversity, with love, is to be embraced; it is where strength is experienced at its greatest.
  4. There is only the human race.
  5. Discrimination of any kind is an injustice, weakens our species, and threatens our survival.
  6. Humans have free will as a potential for their highest.
  7. Each moment provides unlimited potential.
  8. Decision is our greatest ally. (The space between reaction and response.)
  9. Every Decision is our choice to reach for a higher potential, and the greatest teacher for what does not work. Pay attention and adjust towards a higher purpose with love. Maya Angelou — “When you know better, do better”.
  10. Ethics and Morals create higher purpose in our life lived.
  11. We are here to support each other in all situations with love and empathy.
  12. Sustainability, with love, is possible in all circumstances.
  13. Sustainability, with love, is our Responsibility.
  14. The Ego is necessary, but must be understood and consciousness enabled to move us away from impulse of fear and self centered towards intent for cohesiveness. United in love with self, each other and every other species as well as all nature.
  15. A New Way Of Thinking - WE ARE ONE - Is Possible!
We are on the edge of the next step in human consciousness. Valarie Kaur's book “See No Stranger” offers a context for resolving the conflicts in interactions with others, opponents, and self. Now is the time! Let us believe, and act with intent and purpose.